Björn Franke

Design as Politics / Politics as Design
Lecture Series
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Design is mainly understood as the activity of producing more or less useful artefacts, but not necessarily as a political activity. The design of an artefact, however, is always also a political decision about how people should live, communicate or behave. Furthermore, design can be used as a political instrument in the form of activism, or as a medium to discuss and dream about possible or better futures. Politics itself can also be understood as a form of design, since it involves planning, making decisions and devising laws. The material dimension of politics and the political dimension of artefacts are explored through a series of lectures and film screenings.

Design as Politics

Speaker 2019
Daniela Gruber, Ruth Sonderegger, Noam Toran, Roman Kirschner, Tim Parsons and Jessica Charlesworth

Speaker 2018
Florian Kaps, Yunus Tuncel, Tobie Kerridge, Marquard Smith

Speaker 2017
Clemens Winkler, Daisy Ginsberg, Julijonas Urbonas, Burkhard Meltzer

Speaker 2016
Tido von Oppeln, Heng Zhi, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Onkar Kular

Speaker 2015
Karim Jafarmadar, Robert Phillips, Evert Ypma, Gordan Savičić, Sarah Owens

Speaker 2014
Hubert Canaval, Sue Architects, Kunst für Widerstand

Speaker 2012
Eyal Weizmann, Ruedi Baur, Marilyn Waring, Steven Duncombe, Stefana Broadbent, Ezio Manzini

Chair and Organisation: Björn Franke
Logistics and Administration: Elfe Fritz